Male Celebrants

Looking for the best male celebrants in Newcastle?

Well, obviously you are because you have landed here. Meet Jeremy and Tim (also known as Timberlina) our Sassy Celebrant Guys, amazing celebrants and damn fine humans.

When it comes to choosing a celebrant a lot of factors come into it. Cost, personality, vibe and your own vision for what your ceremony is. We don’t need to tell you that all the Sassy Celebrants are amazing (they are, in case you didn’t know) but we can tell you that Tim and Jeremy are two of the best celebrants you will find in Newcastle.. and dare we say it Australia.

We loved Jeremy’s energy and passion for what he does.

Matt Doyle

Tim, thank you for bringing so much love, laughter and character.


So if a male celebrant is your thing use the form below to contact Tim and Jeremy directly or get a quote for all the Sassy Celebrants here.

Get a quote from Tim and Jeremy